Calibration services of measuring instruments for ventilation, temperature, relative humidity and others
Jormita Oy is a calibration laboratory with 30 years of experience in calibration and service of measuring instruments of various brands.
Our laboratory is FINAS accredited, no. K058, for air velocity, differential pressure, pressure and vacuum, temperature and relative humidity of air. For air velocity, we are the only accredited calibration laboratory in Finland.
Our fast and flexible service includes
- Functional test of the device
- Service and adjustment if needed
- Calibration certificate of device performance with measurement uncertainty and traceability
- Storage of calibration data in our data base
- Label with calibration date and certificate no.
Our laboratory is FINAS accredited for
- Air velocity
- Differential pressure
- Pressure and vacuum
- Temperature
- Relative humidity of air

Why is it important to calibrate your instrument?
The impact of measuring conditions and aging of an instrument can cause drift in instrument stability. Measuring accuracy can shift even if the instrument is seldom used. The only way to assure your measurements are accurate, is by periodic calibration of your instrument. A yearly calibration interval is recommended.
What is the definition of accredited calibration/calibration certificate?
Accreditation is an official recognition of competence, based on international criteria and the standards of the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) agreement. FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Services) is the national accreditation body in Finland.
A calibration certificate issued by an accredited laboratory assures that calibration methods and traceability comply with SFS/EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. In addition calculation and reporting of measurement uncertainty applies to the mandatory EA (European Accreditation) guidebook EA-4/02 M: 2021. Only an accredited calibration laboratory can issue a calibration certificate that is valid in all member countries of the ILAC agreement.
What is the definition of traceable calibration/calibration certificate?
The calibration is traceable when measurement results and references used by the laboratory are traceable to the International System of Units. In addition, calculation and reporting of measurement uncertainty also has to apply to EA-4/02 M: 2021.
When performing traceable calibration at Jormita Oy, we follow the same working principals as for accredited quantities. Only the quantity or part of it, has not been audited by FINAS.

We use high standard equipment and references

We are experts in our field and work according to international standards

We calibrate a large variety of instruments from nearly all brands

We perform calibration the same working day, when needed!